Buy With Confidence! Desktops and Laptops

Jun 14, 2017

Buying a used computer is a better option now than ever before. The quality of products just seems to constantly get worse year after year. Where there once was metal, now there is plastic. The constant push to buy newer products is always the most important important thing to computer manufactures. Do we really need […]

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May 29, 2017

Today some of the most common computer problems come from old out of date drivers as well as programs offering to update your drivers for free. The “For free” should be a good indicator to avoid these programs. Device drivers are what enables hardware and some software to communicate with the operating system. If a […]

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May 3, 2017

If you find yourself in the market for a computer or computer service where do you go? Big box stores like Best Buy or Staples have the name recognition that may lead many people to believe that they are more professional. I have been in some of the sales meetings at both of these stores; […]

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Hard Drive Choice Is Up To You!!!!!!

Mar 5, 2017

So like so many people you find yourself shopping for a good used computer. In many cases buying a used computer can save you a lot of money. Most people are looking for specific components like a certain processor, how much ram they need, the size of the screen or monitor and other important factors. […]

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Dec 11, 2016

As part of my business I try to keep a steady supply of desktop computers for sale. I go through all my computers and check the hard drive, the CPU, CPU fan, power supply, USB ports and DVD/CD optical drive. I like to try and keep only business class desktop computers. They are just made […]

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Beware of an old hard drive!!!!

Dec 11, 2016

There are some great used computers out there for sale. A used computer can often cost one third the price of a new one. If you as a buyer do not have experience with computers; there are a few things to take into consideration. The hard drive is the very heart of any computer. If […]

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Dec 2, 2016

In the world we live in today; more is always better, or is it? When the single core processor was the mainstay for most medium priced desktop computers; it was a big jump to go to a dual core processor. In those days the big Pentium dual core processors really made a difference. Now your […]

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