Help provide seniors with a working computer

Feb 25, 2016

At the computer doctor Boise we are currently spending 20 plus hours a week repairing donated computers for struggling seniors. I spent several years delivering food through meals on wheels to people of all ages who were shut in. Many of these people have no other connection with the outside world other than a computer. I know that there are computers out there that are not in use either because they have a problem or are just not needed. I am asking for help from the business and public sector to help me find some additional computers. I don’t mind repairing them if they need some work. Sometimes I use three computers to make one good one.

Being in my sixties myself I know that we are all living longer and our money needs to last longer. Their are really some people out there that have almost no discretionary money. If you or someone you know can help I know the community might get behind this effort.

Thank you,


Larry McCann  Computer Doctor Boise.

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